Trainings For Students

Research projects typically require students to participate in certain trainings before engaging in research. Below are quick links to some of these trainings. For a list of other possible trainings a supervisor might require, see the Compliance Training Guide on the website for the Office for the Responsible Conduct of Research. 

The University also offers training through the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Program. The Responsible Conduct of Research Program is designed to fulfill federal training requirements for those involved in research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). 


Animal Subjects Research Training

Prior to the start of any animal activity, training and certification are required for all Principal Investigators (PIs), faculty, research staff, students and volunteers who use animals in instruction or research. 

Biological Safety Training (Biosafety & Biosecurity)

Workers who intend to handle biohazardous and/or recombinant material are required to register with ORCBS and attend training. The Approval Holder (AH) or Approval Safety Coordinator (ASC) will need to initiate the new worker registration process. 

Ethics Training

See the UA's Responsible Conduct of Research Program for information on completing ethics training required by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

General Laboratory Chemical Safety Training (i.e. Lab Safety Training)

Research Laboratory & Safety Services (RLSS) and the Approval Holder (AH) of a hazardous chemical laboratory are responsible for providing all laboratory workers with the information and training necessary to ensure that they are aware of the hazards of chemicals present in their work area, as well as the control measures that are available to protect them from these hazards.

Health Information Privacy (HIPAA)

Applies to individuals working with protected health information for research and non-research purposes. 

Human Subjects Protection Training

Training required to conduct human subjects research.  Please note that all members of the research team are required to complete this training. IRB approval will not be granted for protocols in which study personnel have not completed UA CITI training within the last four years. 

Laser training

Workers who intend to use lasers are required to:

  • Submit a completed Radiation Worker Data Sheet & Training Record (RC-088) with the signature of the approval holder, approval safety coordinator, or clinical supervisor of your research group for laser training.

  • Complete the Laser Radiation Protection Course (LRPC).

  • Read through the Laser Protection Reference Guide before the course.

  • See the Laser Radiation Protection Course Schedule.