Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP)
VIPs are team-based research, design, and/or creative inquiry opportunities led by UArizona faculty or staff. By design, VIP teams are typically formed around large-scale projects connected to real-world problems. Because VIPs include multiple levels of mentorship (team leader(s), postdocs, graduate students, upper and lower division undergraduate students), peer mentoring expands team leader capacity from the usual 1:1 mentoring model. Teams are often multidisciplinary, and while students typically enroll for course credit, some paid opportunities may be available on teams. Students working with a VIP team learn both disciplinary and professional skills that provide value as they move forward into further education or employment.
Overall VIP site link:
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Team Leaders
-Expand your mentoring capacity with a team
-Students can contribute to research and "broader impacts"
-VIP provides central coordination & seed grant opportunities
Team Leaders Link
-Joining a VIP team is easier than approaching faculty 1:1
-Other students are peer mentors and help you learn; you then help newer students
-Get practical + critical thinking skills essential to job and internship success
Student Information Link
Explore Teams
-50+ team options
-Filter by type of research, design, or creative inquiry
-Most teams open to all majors & no prior research experience needed
Explore Teams Link