External Opportunities

Applying and participating in programs that are external to one's institution can help you in acquiring and observing an extensive breadth of new ideas. It will also improve your chances when applying to graduate school and jobs. This is because employers and academics usually search for candidates who have gone above and beyond their comfort zone and were exposed successfully to a wide range of scenarios. What follows is a compilation of some resources where you will be able to find some of these opportunities.

Make sure to also check out our list of upcoming deadlines, where external opportunities are often posted.



Junior Faculty Position-Biostatistics

  • The Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics of the Brigham and Women's Hospital seeks a junior faculty member in biostatistics to join the program. This summer program will provide paid training and skills development in public health research about prescription medications. 

NSF Funded REU Collaborative Site Program on Immigration Policy and US-Mexico Border Communities

  • The National Science Foundation (NSF) - Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Collaborative Site Program on Immigration Policy and US-Mexico Border Communities is designed to provide undergraduate students with training in research methods and opportunities to conduct collaborative projects with community partners on the nature and impacts of US immigration policy in the Paso del Norte borderlands region of Las Cruces-El Paso-Ciudad Juárez.

Molecular Engineering Materials Center (MEM-C) Summer REU and RET Programs

  • The MEM-C program is a 9-week program at the University of Washington Molecular Engineering Materials Center lab.  The UW MEM·C summer REU program is focused on exposing underrepresented minorities and veterans to a viable and relevant career pathway focused on materials and energy research. Participants will find that the research topics are challenging and relevant. How can we provide mobile, lightweight, and inexpensive energy sources to our forces and to the communities they work with? How can materials research lead to new electronics that are super miniaturized, low energy consumption, and reliable? How can new kinds of sensors be used to improve safety, efficiency, and effectiveness? 
  • Contact uwmemc@uw.edu with any questions.


  • The National Science Foundation (NSF) - Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Collaborative Site Program on Immigration Policy and US-Mexico Border Communities is designed to provide undergraduate students with training in research methods and opportunities to conduct collaborative projects with community partners on the nature and impacts of US immigration policy in the Paso del Norte borderlands region of Las Cruces-El Paso-Ciudad Juárez. Deadline for receipt of applications is February 15, 2023
  • Contact Neil Harvey at nharvey@nmsu.edu and/or Jeremy Slack at jmslack@utep.edu with any questions.

NSF Funded REU CROPPS Science and Technology Center 

  • The Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems (CROPPS) unites plant scientists, engineers, computer scientists, and social scientists to develop technologies that will enable seamless, bidirectional communication between humans and plants. Summer undergraduates in this program will be hosted and mentored by interdisciplinary teams that include expertise in both plant science and technology development.

URA-Fermilab Program: Undergraduate Women in STEM

  • Sponsored by the Universities Research Association (URA), this inaugural program engages women science and engineering undergraduate students from under-represented groups to conduct research at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in fulfillment of its mission. Apply Here 

  • Please refer to their website for more information on stipends, eligibility, and, key dates.

  • Research Areas:  Particle Physics, Accelerators and Detectors, Applied Physics and Superconducting Technology, Computational Science/Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technologies

  • Projects: LBNF/DUNE US, PIP-II, HL-LHC AUP & CMS, Mu2e, Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems (SQMS)

    Eligibility: Women science and engineering majors from under-represented groups: American Indian/Alaska Native, African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

  • Enrolled full-time in a degree-granting program at a U.S. institution of higher education located in the U.S. or its territories. Must be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident.

  • Academic Disciplines: All Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Mathematics, Computer Science

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