Kevin Scriber

Global Professor

I am a native of Washington, D.C. and a first-generation high-school, college, Master's, and PhD graduate. I earned my B.Sc. in Biology from Norfolk State University (A HBCU), my M.Sc. in Biology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (a PWI), and my PhD in Evolutionary Biology from Howard University (a HBCU). I started my first teaching at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, teaching Human Anatomy and Physiology. Next, I taught Biodiversity at the University of New Orleans. Subsequently, I was hired as an International Visiting Professor of Biology for Auburn University at Montgomery, working during the summer (summers 2014-2017) in Changsha, Hunan Province, China; teaching Ecology, Environmental Science, and Micro-Biology at the Central South University of Forestry and Technology (CSUFT). I was then hired to teach statistics courses for CSUFT (summer 2017) separately. Later, I served as a Lecturer at Howard University in the summer (Statistics) in 2018, 2019, and 2021. I am now an Assistant Global Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Arizona; teaching Statistics, Environmental Science, and Micro-Biology.

Offering Research Opportunities?


Prerequisite Courses

Scientific writing and statistics.

Majors Considered

ENVS I have one student I have had help me prepare a new publication for submission this spring 2024. I hope to have this paper accepted before graduation spring 2024.

Types of Opportunities

Description of Opportunity

No description given

Start Date

January 2023

End Date

January 2024

Primary Department

Affiliated Departments

Research Location