Bradley Ross

Professor of Practice

Director, Geotechnical Center for Excellence

Member of the Graduate Faculty

Dr. Brad Ross is the Co-Director of the Geotechnical Center of Excellence at the University of Arizona.  This center is dedicated to multi-disciplinary research and academics related to geotechnical issues in the mining industry.  He is also a Professor of Practice in the Mining and Geological Engineering Department.   Brad is a Professional Mining Engineer with over 35 years of experience in the mining industry.  For his last industry position, he was brought into Bingham Canyon Mine to help the mine prepare for and recover from the gigantic Manefay slope failure.    He has written a book about this experience called “Rise to the Occasion – Lessons From the Bingham Canyon Manefay Slide”.  

Offering Research Opportunities?


Prerequisite Courses

Interest in Mining

Majors Considered

Mining and Geological Engineering, Geoscience, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, Computer Science, Civil Engineering

Types of Opportunities

Description of Opportunity

No description given

Start Date

August 2023

Primary Department

Affiliated Departments

Research Location