Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) Open House - Event Details
Seeking support or other resources as a woman in STEM at the University of Arizona? Not sure where to start?
Come by the Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) Open House event to learn more about WISE internships, volunteer, scholarship, and mentorship programs!
This Open House event is open to everyone in the public, and is a great opportunity to connect with other women and peers in STEM and other allies on campus. Additionally, the Undergraduate Research Ambassadors will be tabling at this event, where we will be able to provide real-time assistance on any of your burning research-related questions, such as how to find research opportunities.
When and where is it? The open house will be hosted on Thursday, September 12th at 3:30 PM in Conference Room 100, Gender & Women's Studies (925 N Tyndall).
Do I need to register? No registration is needed for this event. Come on by to have your questions about any research or internship-related!
Questions? Please reach out to Gabriela Perez Laurent at gperezlaurent@arizona.edu for any inquiries.
See you there!