Faculty-Directed Undergraduate Research Projects from the Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO)
The Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO)
Applications for Summer 2025 funding are OPEN and due on March 20th
The Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO) program provides students with the opportunity to collaborate with faculty members on research projects that prepare them for further graduate-level studies. The goal of this program is to provide students with the opportunity to serve as apprentice researchers collaborating in a faculty member's research project in a capacity that genuinely prepares them for further research at the graduate level (See the attached general and project guidelines for more information).
Want to learn more:
Watch a Zoom workshop run by Frans Tax to learn more about WAESO funding and the application process (23 min).
View the workshop slides.
Email undergradresearch (link sends e-mail) with any questions!
What do applications look like when they are open?
- The URL to apply is https://waeso.asu.edu/waeso
- Register (new faculty): Before you can have access to view the online WAESO guidelines and complete the online WAESO application, you must register on the WAESO website by generating a user ID and a password of your choice. After this step is completed, you will have access to select and complete the application for the Faculty-Directed Undergraduate Research Project.
- Complete the WAESO application and upload documents: In addition to completing the WAESO application and research questions, you will need to upload three documents in pdf format, those are:
- Faculty’s CV
- Project proposal: A brief description of the scope of the project, as well as the activities you will undertake to mentor the students.
- In the body of your proposal, we ask that you please include a section related to: 1) How you plan to engage students in significant research experiences. 2) How the proposed research experience will contribute to society. 3) How you will engage or train students in broadly disseminating the research results (e.g., through presentations, publications, or conferences). 4) How you will help your students to get to the next level (e.g., transferring from a 2- to 4-year institution, applying for and attending graduate school, or becoming future leaders in STEM.) 5) What resources will be available to assist students to achieve their potential? Alternatively, what workshops might be helpful for WAESO to sponsor in order to help your students (as well as other students)?
- Project schedule: Brief description of the hands-on STEM activities that students will engage in the research project.
- Once the required documents are uploaded, you are ready to submit the WAESO application.
Please keep in mind that, although the National Science Foundation (NSF) has social science and psychology research as part of its overall portfolio, our WAESO program does not support social science as part of its funding guidelines for this program.
Please direct questions to Janessa Roy, WAESO Project Manager, directly at Janessa.Roy@asu.edu or at 480-965-0840