Arizona Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies: Urgently Hiring Undergraduate Editors and Graphic Designer! - Application Deadline
Passionate about undergraduate research in different fields of study? Want to be involved in the development and publication of a research journal?
The Arizona Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies are urgently hiring to fill 3-4 positions for their 2024-25 editorial and design team!
The Arizona Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (AJIIS) is a student-led journal that publishes original undergraduate research from all fields of study, but with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary works that intersect with the humanities, arts, and sciences. In keeping with the University of Arizona’s mission as a public research university, this journal serves as a forum for innovative and diverse research and scholarship. They are seeking to hire 2-3 editors and 1 graphic designer. More information about the position can be found further down in this post or in the fliers attached below.
What is the job description for the Editor Position?
Pay: $625 stipend
Duration: September 16, 2023 - May 10, 2024
Duties & Responsibilities: Each editor on the AJIS Editorial Team is primarily responsible for peer reviewing several article submissions assigned to them throughout the selection process. There will be multiple rounds of review throughout the spring semester and editors will be asked to line edit, provide general comments, and make a recommendation about whether or not each article should move on to the next round of review. In the fall, editors will also be expected to assist the journal’s promotional effort to receive submissions.
Qualifications: Undergraduate student at the University of Arizona; skilled and enthusiastic writer; strong reading comprehension ability; strong work ethic and ability to meet deadlines
Hours: Hours per week will vary depending on the stage of the publication process, but applicants should expect to work at least 50 hours per year, the majority of which will take place during the Spring semester.
What is the job description for the Graphic Designer Position?
- Pay: $1500 stipend
- Duration: September 16, 2023 - May 10, 2024
- Duties & Responsibilities: The AJIS Graphic Designer is responsible for all of the graphical features of the journal. This includes but is not necessarily limited to: 1) Designing the Journal's cover, 2) Formatting the Journal's contents, and 3) Putting together promotional materialss. The Graphic Designer will work closely with the Editor-In-Chief and the Assistant Editor-In-Chief throughout the year to successfully implement their vision for that year’s volume and help ensure that AJIS’s promotional materials and publication is of the highest quality.
- Qualifications: Undergraduate student at the University of Arizona. some previous Graphic Design experience, enthusiasm for creating quality designs, strong work ethic and ability to collaborate well with others
- Hours: should expect to work at least 140 hours per year, but hours per week will vary depending on the stage of the publication process.
Interested in applying? To apply to each position, please email a resume and a statement of no more than 300 words explaining your experience and interest in the role to by the deadline. In the subject line of your email, please write your last name and the position you're interested in, as follows: "Lastname Position Application". The deadline for to submit the application materials is on September 13th, 2024.
Need help on your resume or statement? AJIS strongly recommend reviewing the resume and cover letter resources provided by the University of Arizona's Office of Student Engagement and Career Development, especially the Wildcat Career Guide. There is no need to write your statement in the same format as a traditional cover letter, but utilizing these resources as a model for explaining your experiences and interest may be helpful. Additionally, the Undergraduate Research Ambassador team can also provide help with your application by emailing us at or scheduling a 1:1 appointment with us!
Questions? Please do not hesitate to email the AJIS Team at