S-CURE Development Workshop for Faculty

The Office of Societal Impact under Research, Innovation, and Impact, in collaboration with the UA SURE program (Semiconductor Undergraduate Research Experiences - a joint effort of the Center for Semiconductor Manufacturing and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholar Development), is pleased to announce a workshop to support faculty interested in developing a semiconductor-sector course-based undergraduate research experience, or S-CURE. This half-day workshop (plus asynchronous video component) supports the development of CUREs as an approach to broadening access to undergraduate research, particularly for first- and second-year students. A funding opportunity (up to $7500 per applicant) to implement an S-CURE is available by application post-workshop. We have taken the key elements of the 3-day in-person CURE workshop and developed this new and streamlined S-CURE opportunity.
Prior to attending the workshop, participants are expected to watch a set of provided presentations (4 videos, total 139 minutes). During the workshop, participants will collaboratively work on S-CURE plans, pedagogical and research goals, and assessment methods.
For more information, email Courtney Leligdon at cleligdon@arizona.edu. To RSVP, click here.
Lunch will be provided.