Undergraduate Research Initiation Funding

Selection Criteria for Undergraduate Research Initiation Challenge Grant:

The purpose of the Undergraduate Research Initiation Challenge Grant is to BUILD NEW research employment opportunities for undergraduate students in research projects and areas of specialization where funded positions have not previously been available.   

Eligible expenses: 

The Undergraduate Research Initiation Challenge Grant funding provides $2500 toward hourly wages for up to three undergraduate research employees during the 2021-2022 academic year.  All expenses must be completed by June 30, 2022.  

Note: Faculty will be asked to use Handshake to post their research positions for recruitment, and to collaborate with Student Engagement & Career Development on a strategy to recruit students who are eligible for federal work study to fill student research positions funded by this award.  At the end of the fiscal year (6/30/2022), award recipients will be requested to submit a brief description of the number of student research opportunities created, the students employed by these funds, and the research experience gained through this employment opportunity.  

Access the online application here:  Undergraduate Research Initiation Challenge Grant

Be prepared to submit the following: 

  1. Faculty applicant name/title:  

  1. Name of supervisor for student employee position, if different than above:  

  1. Project Description (maximum 750 words).  Describe the research project(s) the student(s) employee(s) will engage in and the skills they will develop as researchers on this project. List any any prerequisite courses or skills required by the student employee to begin this work. Competitive applications will show strength in one or more of the following criteria: 

    • Clarity of the project narrative. 

    • Clear avenue for creating from one to three new paid research positions for undergraduate students that would not otherwise be available. 

    • Potential for providing an authentic research experience for undergraduate student participants.  

    • Potential for the project to promote diversity and inclusion among undergraduate research experiences. 

    • Alignment of the project with the core value and vision of the Undergraduate Research Partnership. 

    • Potential for the project to sustain undergraduate research involvement through ongoing internal or external funding commitments.  

  1. Signed endorsement from the applicant’s business manager or appropriate business contact (form provided in application). The business contact of the hiring department will need to confirm the department’s capacity for undergraduate research hires for this research project and the ability SET payment funds to an SECD TRIF account in order to process student employee payments.  Faculty will need to indicate the number of students they anticipate supporting.

  1. The applicant's CV (full or short) that highlights efforts applicable to the proposal. 

Question about the University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Research Partnership or the application process may be directed to Dr. Kelley Merriam-Castro at kmerriam@arizona.edu