Urs Utzinger

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Associate Department Head, Assessment and Accreditation

Associate Professor, BIO5 Institute

Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Associate Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Associate Professor, Optical Sciences

Member of the Graduate Faculty

I received an engineering degree (Dipl. Ing. ETH, 1989, mechanical engineering) and a Ph.D. (Dr. sc. techn. ETH, 1995, biomedical engineering) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich Switzerland. As post-doctoral fellow I joined the laboaroty of Rebecca Richards-Kortum (Optical Spectroscopy Laboratory) at The University of Texas, Austin. In 2001, I became faculty at the University of Arizona where I am currently an Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering. I am also holding appointments in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Optical Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the BIO5 Institute. From 2012 until end of 2014, I served as interim Department Head in Biomedical Engineering when our program grew from 134 to 200 undergraduate students and the first two classes graduated from the program. I currently serve as Associate Department Head, Assessment and Accreditation. I developed clinical imaging instrumentation to evaluate gynecological and gastrointestinal cancer. Using microscopy techniques I also studied the extra cellular matrix and angiogenesis. Most recently, I develop spectral imaging techniques for the skin. In 2016 I developed the Sophomore Design course for BME undergraduate students where they experience hands-on training on electro mechanical systems. In Spring of 2020 we opened the Salter Medical Device Laboratory which I designed. I created and co-taught the first medical devive design course for the Junior year for that laboratory. My most influential work is listed on Google Scholar.

Offering Research Opportunities?


Prerequisite Courses

introductory course in programming

Majors Considered

BME, OPTI, ECE, AME, Highschool Students

Types of Opportunities

Description of Opportunity

No description given

Start Date

August 2019

Primary Department

Affiliated Departments

Research Location