Peter Milne

Research Professor

Lecturer, Astronomy

Member of the Graduate Faculty

RESEARCH STATEMENT: Through ultra-violet, intra-red and optical observations of type Ia supernovae, Dr. Milne is working towards the goal of understanding the nature of supernova explosions. As part of this work, he studies the cosmological utilization of this type of supernova, studying the amount of dark energy in the universe. A different research goal is to determine whether supernovae produce the bulk of Galactic positrons, seen in positron annihilation radiation, and if not, determining what does produce those positrons. Towards better studying supernovae and other transients with Steward Observatory telescopes, Dr. Milne is working on automation of smaller telescopes and on data reduction pipelines to handl large volumes of data with minimal human effort. PUBLICATIONS (2015): The Changing Fractions of Type Ia Supernova NUV-Optical Subclasses with Redshift, P.A.Milne, R.Foley, P.J.Brown, G.Narayan, ApJ, 815, 20 INVITED LECTURES: Swift Mission Conference, Clemson, S.C., October 2015 Swift Mission Conference, Clemson, S.C., October 2018 DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS: Small Telescope Planning Team (2010-2014) Telescope Resources Committee (2016) Arizona Robotic Telescope Network (2016--) EXTRA-UNIVERSITY SERVICE: Science team member, LOX mission: a proposed gamma-ray MIDEX lunar orbiter (2016--) Type Ia team leader, NASA Swift supernova team (2005-2015) NASA Swift Senior Review Section Author, 2013 & 2015 & 2018 Mentor, BASIS Upper School student, 2010-2014

Offering Research Opportunities?


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Description of Opportunity

No description given

Start Date

August 2018

End Date

August 2020

Primary Department

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