Meredith Hay

Professor, Physiology

Member of the Graduate Faculty

Professor, BIO5 Institute

Professor, Evelyn F McKnight Brain Institute

Professor, Physiological Sciences - GIDP

Professor, Psychology

ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS  2008-2012, Arizona, Executive Vice President and Provost University of Arizona,          Special Advisor for Strategic Initiatives, Arizona Board of Regents  The University of Arizona (UA), Arizona’s land-grant university, is an American Association of Universities (AAU) institution with an annual budget of $1.8B and 40,000 students and over 13,000 employees. Total research expenditures at UA are over $670M. As Executive Vice President and Provost, Dr. Hay served as the chief operating officer for the university with responsibilities for the entire university budget including the Arizona Health Sciences Center.  Dr. Hay had oversight of all academic, research, economic development, and outreach programs with responsibility of ensuring excellence and coordination in all areas.  Direct reports included Vice President for Research, Vice President for Human Relations, Vice President for Student Affairs, Chief Information Officer and 17 academic deans.    2005-2008, Iowa, Vice President for Research, University of Iowa The University of Iowa, an AAU institution, is a $2.3 billion organization and has an enrollment of over 29,600 students in 11 colleges, departments, and programs, many of which are ranked among the nation's best.  As Vice President for Research, Dr. Hay reported directly to the President and provided central leadership for all of the university's research, creative activity and scholarly endeavors, including the academic medical center.  Dr. Hay worked daily with the president, the provost, and other university vice presidents, college deans, faculty, and students to advance and diversify research and creative scholarship at the University of Iowa.  2002-2005, Missouri, Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Missouri-System  The University of Missouri has more than 62,000 students on four campuses and is the land-grant University for the State of Missouri. Dr. Hay’s position with University of Missouri-System was the first-of-its-kind for the University and the first time the University System administration had taken an active role in the research strategic planning on its four campuses.  In this position Dr. Hay was responsible for building state-wide coalitions to compete for multi-institutional, multidisciplinary federal funding programs. 2001-2005, Missouri, Director and Founder of the National Center for Gender Physiology, University of Missouri-Columbia The University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) is an AAU institution and the land-grant institution for the State of Missouri. The National Center for Gender Physiology is NASA and NIH funded Center was the first-of-its-kind in the country with a mission to serve as a catalyst for the development of multidisciplinary, integrated collaborations in basic and clinical research in the arena of gender-based biology and medicine.  As Chair and Center Director, Dr. Hay had responsibilities of a department chair including faculty recruitment, promotion and support, and fiscal management of a $4.3 M budget.    2000-2002, Missouri, Associate Director, University of Missouri Nuclear Research Reactor. The University of Missouri-Columbia Nuclear Research Reactor is the largest and most powerful research reactor in the country. Duties of the Associate Director included strategic planning and direct reporting responsibility for the reactor’s 3 major research programs including Biomedical Sciences Program, the Trace Analysis Program and the Material Sciences Program, faculty recruitment, program mission alignment, financial management and community relations.  SELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS FISCAL LEADERSHIP, STRATEGIC PLANNING AND BUDGET DEVELOPMENT: Arizona  Executive Vice President and Provost for the University of Arizona, Dr. Hay served as chief operating officer with responsibilities for the entire $1.8 Billion budget, including the Arizona Health Sciences Center and the two Colleges of Medicine in Tucson and in Phoenix.  Examples of her successes in leading long-range fiscal and strategic planning include: ·        Working with faculty leadership and deans, Dr. Hay developed and implemented the first metric driven strategic plan for the University of Arizona for Fiscal Years 2009-2014. ·        Working with a faculty steering committee, Dr. Hay led the redesign of the entire university budget away for historical budgeting to an RCM model. ·        Dr. Hay had oversight responsibility for the installation of a $90 M Enterprise Systems Replacement Project over 3 years.  This was a campus-wide endeavor that involved the replacement of most of the aged administrative computer systems on the University of Arizona campus. ·        Worked annually with the Arizona Board of Regents, the President’s office, senior campus vice presidents and deans to develop the annual state budget request and balance revenue needs and shortfalls while maintaining excellence and coordination in all areas. ·        Working with faculty leadership, led the successful 10 year NCA reaccreditation “Bridging to the Future” plan. · ·        During the world financial crisis that began in 2008, the University of Arizona faced the largest and most rapid decline of state support in its history with a loss of nearly $180 million representing nearly 45% of its state appropriations.   Dr. Hay led the UA response to this financial crisis and working with faculty leadership and deans initiated the UA Transformation Plan that sought to retain, but also improve, access and quality, to reduce administrative costs, and to decrease institutional barriers hampering collaborative work among the faculty.   Iowa As Vice President for Research at the University of Iowa, Dr. Hay was responsible for the entire research budget of the University of Iowa.  Examples of her specific accomplishments in budget and strategic planning while at Iowa include: ·        Led budget planning efforts to raise private, state and federal funds for a new $120 million Iowa Biomedical Discovery Building ·        Led the reorganization and strategic planning for the UI government relations office and secured over $10 million of federally designated appropriations for University of Iowa biomedical and engineering related research. ·        Led the budget planning and secured $36 million in State funds for a new public health laboratory, a project for which Dr. Hay’s office oversaw all design, development, and construction efforts. ·        Secured $18 million from the State Legislature for advancement of biomedical research programs.   LEGISLATIVE AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONS   Dr. Hay works effectively with multiple constituencies to communicate the value of the public research land-grant university to community leaders, state legislators, the federal delegations, the Governor’s office, trustees, donors, and the general public. Further, Dr. Hay has extensive experience in working with federal agencies and aligning university research expertise with agency needs. The following are examples of some of Dr. Hay’s success in engaging with federal agencies, state and federal delegations, and other constituencies to generate both financial support and legislative support to advance the mission of the university. Arizona Worked closely with Governor Napolitano’s office, Arizona legislators and the Arizona construction industry to advance the development of the Phoenix Biomedical Campus and ensure the success of the University of Arizona College Of Medicine in Phoenix. Met with legislative leadership to gain approval for construction of $170 million Health Sciences Education Building for the new University of Arizona College of Medicine in Phoenix. Worked closely with City of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon’s office to identify funds to further the development of the University of Arizona Phoenix Biomedical Campus. Secured $14 million from the City of Phoenix to expand the UA NIH Comprehensive Cancer Center to its second $130 million new facility in downtown Phoenix. Worked closely with College of Science leadership to make the strategic investments needed to secure the largest grant in UA a history in 2011: a $800 Million contract from NASA in collaboration with Lockheed Martin and Goddard Space Flight Center. Met annually with NIH, NSF, DOE, DOD, DHS, and USDA senior program leadership to align UA expertise with agency needs. Worked with Congresswoman Gifford’s office to advance solar energy research and development in southern Arizona. Worked with Congressman Pastor’s office to generate support for building a new Maricopa County Hospital on the Phoenix Biomedical Campus. Worked closely with City of Tucson elected leadership and Pima County leadership to develop University-Downtown partnerships in technology commercialization and economic development.   Iowa ·        Worked with the City of Iowa City to advance economic development. ·        Provided testimony to the Iowa Senate Economic Development Committee on the role and University of Iowa – Bioscience Alliance of Iowa partnerships. ·        Provided and prepared faculty testimony to the Iowa House Standing Committee on Economic Growth regarding Battelle and Bioscience Alliance of Iowa -University of Iowa Partnered Platforms. ·        Led and organized Regent University faculty team presentations on biofuels to the State of Iowa General Assembly. ·        Structured a collaboration between The University of Iowa College of Engineering and Rockwell Collins, Inc. to work with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to establish the Iowa Institute for Flight Systems Research.    ·        Worked extensively with Senator Tom Harkin’s staff to support and align the expertise of the University of Iowa research enterprise with federal agency needs and opportunities. ·        Worked closely with Senator Chuck Grassley’s staff to draft energy legislation that would support university-private sector partnerships to develop and build a biomass gasification plant on campus. ·        Worked extensively with U.S. Senatorial and House delegation and staff from the State of Iowa to align the expertise of the University of Iowa research enterprise with federal agency needs and opportunities. ·        Led the successful State funding request for $30 million to support a new biomedical research facility. CORPORATE RELATIONS/STRATEGIC PARTNERING/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Universities serve as major economic engines for their states in both workforce development and wealth creation. The following are examples of some of Dr. Hay’s successes as an entrepreneur and in developing strategic partnerships and advancing corporate relations between the university and regional industries. Arizona In 2013, Dr. Hay founded and is President of a new biotechnology start-up, ProNeurogen, Inc. This new spin-off company is based on Dr. Hay’s patent for the development of new therapeutics for cognitive impairment.  The company has submitted its first IND to the FDA to begin clinical trials Developed public-private partnerships to create local venture capital funds and building new biotechnology incubators which together were aimed at increasing the number of University technology based spin-off companies within the State. Led efforts to create a UA Center for Drug Development with the private investors and Sanofi-Aventis of Tucson with a focus on developing local pathways for UA spin-off companies in drug development. Led efforts with Roche-Ventana Medical to identify new areas of collaboration with UA. Worked with TGen in Phoenix and BioAccel to create UA biotechnology related start-up companies at the new Innovations Center in Chandler, AZ. Led the realignment efforts for UA Tech transfer office now named “Tech Launch Arizona” that helps move innovations created at the University into the marketplace. Worked to create new partnership with Raytheon to commercialize new technologies. Worked closely with TREO, the Tucson Regional Economic Development Organization, to recruit new firms to the Tucson region.   Iowa Worked with Governor Vilsack’s office and the State of Iowa Economic Development Committee and the Board of Regents to secure over $18 million for infrastructure and project support for advancement of key biomedical research programs. Leveraged a $1.2 million state investment in regional economic development into a $16 million private partnership with a local development firm to design and build a new biotechnology incubator at the University of Iowa. Created and founded the IOWA Centers for Enterprise. This effort brought together with coordinated purpose the University of Iowa Research Foundation, the Technology Innovation Center and Oakdale Research Park, Office of Corporate Relations, the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center, the Center Small Business Development and college liaisons.     AREA OF PERSONAL SCHOLARLY INTEREST Dr. Meredith Hay is currently a Professor of Physiology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and a leader in understanding the effects of Angiotensin-(1-7)/Mas receptor pathways to inhibit brain inflammation, protect cognitive function, and prevent and treat ADRD and VCID.  Dr. Hay and her team are collaborating with the NIA to advance these peptides through FDA Phase II clinical trials. Dr. Hay is Past-President of the American Physiological Society.  Dr. Hay’s recent discovery of a novel neuroprotective peptide has led to the creation of a new biotechnology company, ProNeurogen, Inc, where she currently serves as President and co-founder.

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