Gail Heath

Associate Professor of Practice

Member of the Graduate Faculty

Gail Heath has a master’s degree in Geophysical Engineering from the University of Arizona and has worked in research for 25 years. He has a PhD in mining from the University of Arizona. His passion is the work in mine reclamation he has been pursuing to better the state of the art in mine reclamation, that is optimize and insure great results in the environment legacies from pass and present mining activates. There is a need by both government and private industry for long-term information on earth system behavior. Earth systems of interest include, but are not limited to landfills, waste sites, current and abandoned mining sites, aquifers and volcanoes. The information needed for monitoring will vary from site to site but will include things like: water quality, areal distribution, ion specific contaminates temperature, bacterial types and quantities to name a few. The information need has operational, regulatory and scientific drivers. The integrated use of point source sensors with volumetric near surface geophysical methods when properly combined provide potential of providing highly detailed localized subsurface information on processes and subsurface behavior

Offering Research Opportunities?


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desire to learn

Majors Considered


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Description of Opportunity

No description given

Start Date

January 2019

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