Frank Brosius III

Professor, Medicine

Member of the Graduate Faculty

Frank (Chip) Brosius, M.D. is Professor of Medicine at the University of Arizona and Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine and Physiology at the University of Michigan.  He was Chief of Nephrology at the University of Michigan for 13 years through 2016.  He was also Director of the University of Michigan George O’Brien Kidney Center until 2016.  His research has focused on diabetic kidney disease for more than 25 years.  He is one of multiple PIs on a NIH R24 grant that investigates the causes and treatments for diabetic complications and was one of 2 PIs of a recently completed Phase 2 clinical trial of JAK inhibitors in diabetic kidney disease.  He is a member of the Pathobiology of Kidney Disease (PBKD) study section for the NIH and is Associate Editor of Diabetes. Previously he served as Chair of the American Heart Association’s Kidney Council and as Chair of the Research Advocacy Committee for the American Society of Nephrology.                                                                                                                      His research focuses on: identification of effective treatments and biomarkers for diabetic complications using systems biology and translational approaches how glucose uptake promotes specific cellular signaling responses that lead to disease responses in diabetic kidney disease and other diabetic complications testing new concepts of human diabetic kidney disease and its treatment in robust mouse models that his laboratory has generated and validated testing small molecules for treatment of diabetic kidney disease in randomized controlled trials

Offering Research Opportunities?


Prerequisite Courses

These opportunities are exclusively through our NIH funded R25 grant for which I serve as one of 4 PIs. There are annual requests for applications to the undergraduate research program.

Majors Considered

Engineering Computer Sciences Physiology

Types of Opportunities

Description of Opportunity

No description given

Start Date

January 2023

Primary Department

Affiliated Departments

Research Location