Diane Thompson
Associate Professor, Geosciences
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Diane received her PhD from University of Arizona in 2013, and was awarded a 2-year Advanced Study Program Postdoctoral Fellowship at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. She started as an Assistant Professor at Boston University in January 2016. She is now Assistant Professor in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Arizona, and the Director of Marine Research at the Biosphere 2. Diane’s research bridges the fields of ecology, paleoecology, and paleoclimatology to investigate climates and reef systems of the past. Her work spans a range of scales from local (e.g., reef-scale circulation) to global (e.g., climate variability and change) and capitalizes on a blend of field and laboratory, observational and modeling, and experimental and theoretical approaches. She aims to improve our understanding of tropical-climate variability through investigations of topical-climate archives, including coral, speleothem, and marine and lake sediment records. She also aims to further investigate the stability of the coral-reef ecosystem through past climate changes. Determining whether the changes occurring on today’s reefs are unprecedented through geological time will improve our predictions of coral-reef resilience under future global climate change.
Offering Research Opportunities?
Prerequisite Courses
At least one lab-based course
Majors Considered
Not restricted, but primarily Geos and EEB
Types of Opportunities
Description of Opportunity
No description given
Start Date
August 2022
Primary Department
Affiliated Departments
Research Location